Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Another year, another update.

Good morning!

Three weeks ago I landed in the land of the morning calm, or for me, the land of the frantic morning rush to get ready. It doesn't quite have the same ring to it though does it?

After my two months of living as a socialite, I started off my new year with just one more week of the high life (for good measure) before attending a week long orientation (no crotch wetting incident this year: see my blog post 'One Step Closer' to find out more).

After orientation, I met up with my new co-teacher and came to school. The problem with having clothes in three different places is that you might not have enough clothes to wear to school yet. Cue the 'Daniel wears a blue suit at work week'. I did have enough shirts though. A co-teacher did ask if my tie was my favourite tie. Well, I suppose considering at the time it was my only tie, then yes, it was my favourite tie. I have since DOUBLED my tie collection. I can almost hear you gasp.

I also, to add to the classy impression I am sure I am already giving you, managed to find some street furniture to make my room seem a little cosier. While me and my accomplice were carrying a reclining chair back to my apartment, a security guard shouted us from down the street and we thought 'Oh, maybe this wasn't trash after all'. He walked slowly up to us, and then tore off a sticker on the side of the chair and bade us farewell (in Korean). The problem with living in a small town is that people might see you occasionally carrying furniture around and you might get a bit of a reputation. I would imagine my current reputation is somewhere around that of Mr Twit. I am waiting for the day when a student asks "Teacher, part time job is moving furniture?".

I also went to the Seoul fireworks festival this year and ACTUALLY got to see some fireworks. HOORAH. We managed to position ourselves just on the other side of a bridge and a tree to the fireworks, but we shuffled and made people uncomfortable and they shuffled and therefore we had more room to shuffle. By the end of all this shuffling we had quite a good view.

Incheon, the new city where I am living, is exciting and in close proximity to Seoul. I'm  looking forward to a good year here! I am currently in the process of making my 2013/14 Korean Wishlist, so the next blog post will be about that.

Sorry for the lack of photos, I don't know where my memory card is for my camera. What I do have though is a picture of people queuing (QUEUING!?) up for some squid, a mega treat for the Koreans.

Once he had seen this truck, there was no going back for Oliver.

Gamsahapnida for reading,

Unofficial and picky trash collector of Yeongjeong Island.

P.S. K-Pop by Crayon Pop, with Bar Bar Bar (Does anybody else hear something else in English for the second line?)

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